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San Sebastian has a strategic plan in place which will enable it to face the future in the best possible way. It is a living document that adapts to change and has a medium-long term outlook. There are severe plans looking at 2030 to better the city, but those plans are clasifyed in 4 different areas:


-Area 1 focuses on Innovation, Science, Knowledge, Creativity, Culture, Gastronomy. The city has gradually carved out a new brand associated to knowledge and innovation as activities of the future.


-Area 2 focuses on peole and values. 

The city of the future needs people like those who have made the city of the present a reality. Citizens who are responsible, active and trained to achieve global, changing evolution, who cooperate and organise themselves, who lead the way in a life without violence and projects and who open the way to permanent, sustainable development.


-Area 3 focuses on the connection. 

Thinking globally, in a world without borders, in order to be able to take action locally, but also thinking locally in order to act globally, on an open stage. The city needs to be connected to that international stage, but also to its metropolitan environment by constructing an intelligent collaboration.


-Area 4 focuses on life quality. Quality of life has in the city one of its leading exponents, but a number of important challenges need addressing: balanced development, sustainability, trade and community services, connectivity, access to housing, leisure and the opportunity to continue addressing urban innovation.


Also some projects:

- Smart mature resilience project: Its objective is to develop and implement a model that contributes to analyse and improve the city's ability to deal with major crises that may be due to climate change, critical infrastructures and social field, among other.


-The PI@ Audiovisual Innovation Hub: Its objective is to provide the audiovisual industry with cutting-edge infrastructure that enables it to increase its competitiveness, take off towards new markets, migrate to more innovative formats, implement new technologies for work and cooperation and boost employment and economic development in San Sebastián. 


-Age Friendly City project: The objective of this project is to recognise and put the spotlight on elderly people and to promote active and healthy ageing in the city.


Photo source: internet

San sebastian project: Bienvenidos
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